Single-event and full-weekend passes will be available from March 14! Save some hassle and just sign-up for the entire weekend of festivities for a lower price! Pricing posted here.
Friday Night
Live Music featuring Shigeta Swingtime Little Big Band
Performances: TBA
Upstair Snackbar
Wear: TBA
Sugar Swing, 10019 – 80 Ave NW Edmonton
This is a social dance that starts off with a lesson, followed by dancing to to the music of our 9-piece Big Band. You’ll also get to see or participate in some fun party games, just for some kicks and giggles!
6:30pm Doors
7:30pm Beginner Drop-in Lesson
9:00pm Party Time with Big Band!
9:30pm+ Upstair Snackbar, Performances, Jams
11:00pm+ Late-night Small Band Set
1:00am Close
Saturday Daytime
Meet-Up Brunch and Stroll!
11:00am Coffee & Donuts @ Ace Coffee Roasters
11:30am Brunch @ TBA
1:00pm Short stroll on Whyte Ave (Old Strathcona District)
2:00pm Join for Outdoor Dancing & Activities @ Queen Elizabeth Park!
Meet at Ace Coffee for a morning brew and donuts, and then go for brunch all together. If you don’t know what a meet-up group is — basically everyone interested in a particular activity shows up at a location. The point is to do this activity together, socializing, trying new things, and exploring places!
Hosts: Jasmine Farahbakhsh & Erin Wu
Outdoor Park Party
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: TBA
Saturday Night
Live Music featuring Shigeta Swingtime Little Big Band
Performance: TBA
Upstair Snackbar
Wear: Starry Night theme, formal attire
Navy, sparkles encouraged
Sugar Swing, 10019 – 80 Ave NW Edmonton
This will be a sensational night of dancing with our 10-piece Big Band, deejays, and a drop-in lesson. It goes late until 2am too! Featuring contests & activities!
7:00pm Doors
8:00pm Beginner Drop-in Lesson
9:15pm Party Time with Big Band!
9:30pm+: Upstair Snackbar, Performances, Contests, Jams
11:45pm+ Samosas
12:15pm Late-Night Small Band Set
2:00am Close
Sunday Daytime
Brunch at Sugar Swing
Who doesn’t like to start off your morning with a fancy and toasty brunch on a Sunday morning?
Join us for an all-you-can-eat pancake brunch at Sugar Swing, aka SwingHOP! A place where you can get fuel up your soul with food and music before the outdoor afternoon dance!
11:00am-1:00pm SwingHOP Pancake Brunch
1:00-1:30pm Transition to Jazz Dancers’ Picnic
Jazz Dancer’s Picnic
Live Music featuring TBA
Outdoor Dance Floor
Location: TBA
Wear: TBA
Sunday Evening
Live Music – TBA
Upstair Snackbar
Wear: TBA
Sugar Swing, 10019 – 80 Ave NW Edmonton
A fun, final dance event with two sets of live music! Other activities TBA.
7:00pm Doors
7:30pm Beginner Drop-In Lesson
8:00pm Dancing to a Swing Band, plus other activities
10:30pm Fin!